Step mother leaves 13 year old daughter disabled after huge beating, hospital seeks 12m ugx for treatment

Posted on May 17, 2023
By Admin

Tika Acam, a resident of Kokwech village, Maleria Sub county in Bukedea district is in a critical condition after her step mother beating on her ribs and spinal cord with a mingling stick.


Acam was rushed to Ongino hospital in a worrying condition but a medical report indicates that 12 million to be paid in order to operate her but all in vain leaving her limping in the village.


Acam was a primary five scholar of Kokwech primary school but due to the incident she could not continue with school since she can't do any work.


She calls upon support from the general public to help her raise treatment bill to enable her resume school and other duties


The case was reported to Maleria police station SD REF.13/17/03/2023 assault case accusing Hellen Among her step mother.


Sam Oboi the area lc1 confirmed that upon receiving the case he referred it to police and the accused was arrested and detained.


The community blamed the accused for the act and also blamed Bukedea central police station for setting Among free yet the complainant was not given Justice 


Meanwhile, John Kagwire the OC Maleria police station says after gathering all the necessary data during investigations, the case was forwarded to Bukedea CPS and what transpired from their he doesn't not know.


Source credit: Teso News Network 

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