Osekeny Lazarus aka abademark was born on 2ND feb, 2000 to Amongin Mary and the late Odeke Kokas in Bukedea district. I grew up in an extremely poor family as I was raised by a single mother since my father had passed on in 2001.
I started school at kidongole primary school, getting food at home and school fees was a challenge because my mother had a big number of me and my siblings and we were totaling to 6.At school I used to sing in the school choir and because of my talent the school was proud of me and with God’s grace I was given a bursary to complete my primary education at no cost though my mother had to work hard and buy scholastic materials. In my secondary I went to St.Mary’s College Namugongo and faith high school for my O level up to date.
I started composing my personal songs drawn from inspirations that I got from school experiences and this year 2020 at home in Corona lockdown I got enough time to complete my first song (Luitunga) which is a love song produced at Youth Arise Studio in Kisaasi Kawempe and I request people out there to support my work and give me courage as I have more projects that I am dropping any time.
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