Joyce Adongo is my original name,stage name is Blessed Joy The Pride of Akeriau. a born again in aglican church,am single not dating,not searching.i recorded my first song in 2018, title OMONY YESU atesot by tribe from Amuria District,Orungo county, Akeriau subcounty,Temele parish and Arubella/Akoyo village .I started my studies from Primary One in Temele primary School from 2004-2010 then later I I joined Abalang Secondary School in k'maido district from 2011-2014 that's form one to form four where I sat for my four year course certificate but dueto lack of support,I didn't further my studies,I started partiming job as a primary teacher in private school,I tought for four good years from 2015-2018 then I went to Nairobi where am still having my part-time job while hope to further my studies under primary teaching
1158 plays | 578 Downloads
1050 plays | 484 Downloads
1282 plays | 503 Downloads
1914 plays | 890 Downloads
2358 plays | 754 Downloads
2195 plays | 1019 Downloads
5358 plays | 2828 Downloads