Johnson Opolot hails from Oupe parish, Kyere sub-county, Serere district. He is a son to Okurut Nicholas and Apolot Beatrice and was raised by his grandmother, Ageo Cecilia.
He finished his primary level at Moru-Atiang primary school, went to Kyere SS for O level, went to Pallisa SS for my "A" level then went to Jinja medical laboratory training school where he graduated as a medical laboratory technician.
Johnson started his music career when he was still a child but recording songs started around May 2021.
Despite his busy schedule, has decided to serve God delightfully through singing gospel songs and playing instruments.
Apart from singing, God has also graced Johnson so much that he is able to play so many instruments notably, a piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, drums, and to a little extent a bass guitar.
1007 plays | 323 Downloads
1535 plays | 432 Downloads
1595 plays | 674 Downloads
1190 plays | 423 Downloads
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1453 plays | 760 Downloads