Soroti city officials charged with malicious destruction of Golf course building , released on bond

Posted on Jun 22, 2023
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu 


Soroti - Police in Soroti has granted police bond to soroti city officials who were allegedly accused for the destruction of a multimillion building belonging to the golf club soroti.


The two officials who include Kairu Robert a City engineer with soroti city council, and Esaku Isaac secretary for works soroti city council, among other city employees were summoned by police,interviewed and granted Police bond pending issuance of directions in the investigative process upon conclusion of the investigation.


The officials were accused of alleged Criminal trespass and malicious damage of the property that occured on the 16/06/2021 at around 09:00AM in cell 'K',Soroti senior quarters in Soroti city.


The case was reported to Soroti central police station on the 19/06/2023 by Omoding Osborn where case vide SD REF 35/19/06/2023 was registered.


According to SP Ageca Oscar Gregg in a press statement,the officers of the Uganda Police consequently visited the scene, and documented it, including engaging witnesses where suspects above were summoned, 


He also added that the investigation has noted that the fence and the foundation of the building belonging to lions club limited were destroyed, under instructions of the officials of the city council.


It's further noted that the city claims the building is supposed to be on Plot 8 Elliot Road and not Plot 10-12 Kennedy Square.


"We urge the public to avoid misinformation into the subject matter and to note we are professionally pursuing an inquiry into the incident", he added.

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