Hundreds gather to mark 95th birthday of Owobusobozi Bisaka, president Museveni urges believers to emulate his works

Posted on Jun 13, 2024
By Admin

By Richard Onapatum

KAGADI: Hundreds of believers have today joined the family of Omugurusi Desteo Bisaka, the founder of the Faith of Unity, to celebrate his 95th birthday in Kagadi district.

The celebrations begun with processions through Muhooro town. Owobusobozi Bisaka died on January 13, 2021.

In a speech delivered by the Vice President Ma. (Rtd) Jessica Alupo,  President Yoweri Museveni thanked the faithful for coming through in big numbers to celebrate the life and legacy of their beloved spiritual leader, on what would have been his 95th birthday.

The president said Bisaka was a great religious leader who used his unique spiritual gifts to teach, heal, guide and care for his followers. 
He said although Owobusobozi Bisaka is no longer with us physically, his teachings continue to inspire and guide the believers.


"His selflessness, wisdom and unwavering dedication to the faith and community of believers have left an indelible mark on the lives of many people," said the president. 

He urged the believers to strive to emulate his example and following in his footsteps. He also emphasized that under the leadership of the NRM, individuals and groups are free to exercise their freedom of worship without any interference, as long as they do not 
undermine national security and development.


"This accounts for the tolerant atmosphere, which has enabled the different religious groups to co-exist in  Uganda," .The president noted that during his time on earth, Desteo Bisaka utilized his platform as a religious leader to promote good morals and discipline among his followers.
He urged believers to continue upholding the path of righteousness and good conduct which Bisaka preached. 

The president said Owobusobozi also mobilized his followers to support Government programmes that are geared towards socio-economic transformation of the people. 

The president thanked the followers for celebrating the 95th birthday of Omugurusi Desteo Bisaka who he said advanced both the spiritual and social well-being of his followers.

The president contributed Shs30m in cash towards the birthday function. 

In her own remarks the Vice President Alupo lauded the founder of  faith of unity Owobusobozi Bisaka for promoting unity in diversity which is one of the core principles of the National Resistance Movement. She said uniting people promotes prosperity and national development.

"Thank you for the work you are doing especially for keeping the faithful in unity,” said Alupo.

Omwekwenda Akugizibwe Bisaka thanked President Museveni for his able leadership which has  transformed this country. He pledged to continue promoting unity of all people despite their differences in tribes and religion.



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