Millions of shillings lost in Soroti city as taxes go to wrong hands

Posted on Sep 01, 2022
By Admin
Officials in Soroti city have raised concerns on how the city is losing millions of money in revenue collection through an act practiced by unknown persons and a section of town agents.
This was raised during the General purpose committee meeting held at Soroti city offices on Wednesday afternoon.
The committee chaired by John Ekutelek on Wednesday resolved to set new guidelines for the development of the city outlining several challenges that are limiting the steady growth of the city like a limited number of law enforcers as a majority are not experienced.
Abraham Oriokot the chief finance officer during the meeting explained to the committee that there are some notorious groups of people collecting revenue in different parts of the city thus enlarging the gap in revenue collection and the public isn't willing to report the culprits hence making it hard to punish them.
Oriokot tabled a resolution to stop printing receipts from the city divisions and even those printed should pass through procurement processes to the stores as money does not reach the city treasury.
He also added that the presence of volunteers in city divisions majorly in the department of finance, and revenue has become an issue since they have become permanent employees and have taken years, describing them as overseers as some of them get involved in acts of corruption and tax collection.
Meanwhile, the city town clerk Emmanuel Okaja resolved the transfer of town agents who have served for long in given parishes citing misuse of funds as they get used to finance officers in their respective divisions.
The committee chairman called for immediate action on the vice by working with other city security bodies to ensure that those caught face the law.
Other matters that were discussed during the committee meeting included proper garbage collection and revamping the boma grounds so that all cars for hire and buses go and park and relocating all street traders along the streets to different markets.

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