VP Alupo donates 109 bicycles to katakwi parish co-ordinators

Posted on Feb 28, 2023
By Admin

Vice President Jessica Alupo who also doubles as the woman MP for Katakwi District has boosted the work of Parish coordinators in Katakwi district with 109 bicycles to ease their movement. 


The event that took place at Katakwi Boma grounds attracted all the 109 parish coordinators, district officials, and development partners from Turkey and Netherlands through their NGOs, _Time to Help_ Netherlands and Nile Humanitarian Development agency_ for being there for the people.


Alupo thanked the partners for the partnership and friendship they have established with the people of Katakwi District which has over the years, seen them establish several other projects. Some of these projects include the digging of boreholes in Angisa, Palam, Akereio village, among other areas, with a promise to establish more in other areas in the district. 


Other projects include donations of desks to different schools in Katakwi. "We are truly grateful and will sign a momentum with them, "Alupo said.


She hailed their contribution to the communities, sighting the fact that whenever there are Eid festivals, they make direct purchases of animals from the locals, thus boosting their direct incomes. 


"Recently, LCIII Chairpersons across the country received motorcycles, LC I and IIs recieved bicycles now you have been also given bicycles which will help you monitor PDM" Alupo said, taking them to note every critical issue happening in their parishes that affect locals and raise them to authorities. 


She highlighted the seven-pillar program laid down by the government to fight poverty; rearing animals for milk production, fish farming, and poultry among others, as she tasked the coordinators to go down to the people. "Ask them what challenges they face, and fight out why our people are still facing poverty. Let's work together to make impactful changes", she said, noting that with an improved road network, Government will elevate health centers and construct more schools.


She revealed more poverty engagement activities which include the distribution of 10000 chickens to the farmers of Katakwi, and the establishment of maize Mills that will boost large-scale maize growing.


The Vice President promised to establish water harvesting projects in the district for animal rearing and asked the people of Katakwi to start involving themselves in farming since the rains are back to avoid post-harvesting problems.


Okiror Bosco-the Usuk county MP noted that Katakwi had so many gaps but because of the Vice President's leadership, a lot of achievements are being realized. "When we-as leaders work together, we shall experience development in our district", Okiror said.


Dr. Kirabira Issa, the Team leader who represented the partners said that they have been in Uganda implementing their activities for ten years, described Alupo as "a gift to the people of Katakwi" who in spite of her status, military ranks, profession, and political position, she is "still a very humble leader". He added "We are here to tackle challenges through dialogue, education, and health among others, we will do more research on how to work within the area to propel development", he said.


Dr. Icumar Simon Omeke District Health Officer Katakwi district noted that since 2012 the hospital started experiencing large numbers of patients, with over 2000 mothers giving birth at the general hospital annually.


Susan Adiebo one of the beneficiaries of the bicycles pledged to put the bicycle to good use and monitor government programs. She thanked the Vice President for her good leadership.


Present at the function were district and local Government leaders.


The Parish coordinators who spoke to this website appreciated the Vice president for the support as it will ease their movement and their work.

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