Minister Otafiire Challenges Bebe Cool's Corruption Claims

Posted on Jul 25, 2024
By Admin

Internal Affairs Minister Kahinda Otafiire has responded to accusations of corruption made by singer Moses Ssali, popularly known as Bebe Cool, advising him to verify his claims before making such statements.


In a social media post on X (formerly Twitter), Bebe Cool criticized Major-General Otafiire for allegedly lacking sincerity after encouraging youth to stand up against corrupt leaders.


Bebe Cool cited past corruption scandals involving Otafiire, questioning the Minister's moral authority to lead an anti-corruption campaign.


"We appreciate your work over the years. However, I don't think your recent public call to young Ugandans to stand against corrupt leaders was in good faith," Bebe Cool stated. "My leader, it's no secret that your name has appeared in various corruption scandals over the years."


In response, Otafiire, according to reports from one of the online sites, dismissed the accusations, commending Bebe Cool for his courage but suggesting he spoke out of ignorance.


"I admire his courage to stand up against me but I don't admire the ignorance from which he speaks," the Minister asserted. "Let him produce a single scandal where I have been involved."


It should be noted that Minister Otafiire last week, speaking at Kampala International University's graduation ceremony, urged young people to combat bad governance and corruption for the sake of future generations.


“Now, young people, I want to challenge you to support those of us who stand up and say ‘no’. The struggle for freedom, the struggle for justice shouldn’t be in vain,” he said, noting that unlike young people with decades ahead, he might have only 10-15 years left.


He further reminded them not to “accept to pay the price we have paid for you,” referencing the sacrifices made during the 1981-86 National Resistance Army/Movement (NRA/M) war.


“We fought not to enrich ourselves but to correct the wrongs in our country. Many died in the war, not for the glorification of the corrupt. We seem to have digressed to where people now glorify corruption and inequity,” he said. “Stand up and tell us in leadership that you deserve better. Enough is enough.”


Bebe Cool, in his social media post, referenced various news stories linking Otafiire to corruption scandals and accused him of hypocrisy. "Your public outcry is insincere. Going forward, I pray you engage your fellow leaders internally instead of brewing bad blood within," Bebe Cool remarked.


Responding to Bebe Cool's allegations, Otafiire defended his integrity. "Story links are just links. In law, he who alleges must prove," Otafiire challenged. "Let him go and prove me wrong, then he can make allegations."


Ugandan youth on July 23 planned a peaceful demonstration to present a petition to the speaker of parliament with several demands resonating to the resignation of corrupt parliamentarians, a reduction in MP salaries and allowances, and a lifestyle audit of all legislators. Most importantly, they simply wanted the ability to exercise their constitutional right to assemble peacefully without interference.


However, the Ugandan government responded with a massive show of force, deploying soldiers and police across the streets to prevent the demonstration from taking place. Several protesters were arrested, hurriedly charged with “illegal assembly” and “inciting violence”.

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