NACHU orphans plant trees in Soroti city schools

Posted on May 21, 2023
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu


SOROTI - In a bid to fight the increasing change of climate caused by different human activities, Nurture a child Uganda (NACHU) a non profit organization that takes care of orphan children based in Soroti City took an initiative of greening the city by planting trees in different schools in the city.


According to Apedori Musa, NACHU children's president, Nurture a child came up with the object of greening the city after realizing that the environment was deteriorating at a high rate due to different reasons like global warming, deforestation, water pollution and food shortages are all contributing to the world's environmental crisis and through the support from National Forest Authority (NFA),they were able to get trees to be grown.


"We would like to encourage the community to embrace the activities like keeping the environment clean and proper disposal of rubbish as believe will preserve our environment for the next generation as it's in a crisis, but it's not too late to make a difference as there are ways one can get involved and help out with these problems", he further explained.


He also added that, "Going green doesn't just benefit the planet—it also helps us all save money, time and resources so that we can enjoy life more fully while making sure future generations have access to clean air and water too",


According to Zoe Manase, one of the beneficiaries of the project, they are planting down trees to preserve the environment as many people have cut down trees which have brought up many disadvantages in the community as the tress will help in future.


"We developed a concern of our environment out of love after seeing that many trees have been cut down, today we decided to go round to a number of schools to help bring back the beauty of the environment so that we mitigate climate change",Janette Mary Akello, one of the Nurture a child Uganda member and beneficiaries said.


Some of the school heads whose schools had trees planted in who spoke to this website said that the initiative of having the young generation take part in tree planting is a great idea thus urging the people to guard the environment jealously.






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