Katakwi boy pictured reading under streetlight finally reports to new School

Posted on Jun 01, 2023
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu 


There is always a saying that there is no permanent situation in life, no body knows what tomorrow brings.


After a picture of him reading under a street light at night went viral on the internet, Emmanuel Otengei Opio, 14, a former pupil of Katakwi Township school was blessed with a sponsorship from Vice-President Jessica Alupo who was touched by his determination and braveness of reading in the cold under the street lights.


According to a story by new vision,On Wednesday, Otengei, who had never imagined reaching Soroti town, arrived in Entebbe, Wakiso district where he was received by headteacher Leo Gamubaka.


“We subjected him to an interview that he managed to pass leading to him maintaining his class (P4). We pledge to support him,” Gamubuka said.


He was ushered into his class where he was welcomed by the pupils. The headteacher also escorted him to his dormitory before returning to resume his studies.


A smiling Otengei wrote his notes with ease as the class has space, unlike his former school where four pupils share a desk. For now, Otengei enjoys the desk since it is only two pupils on it.


Otengei, who aspires to become a civil engineer, is the third born in a family of four. His parents, Nicholas Ojakol and Hellen Christine Idokot of Aputon-Okinya village, Aakum parish, Guyaguya sub-county in Katakwi district.


It should also however be noted that,in January this year, Otengei’s mother fled from her husband of 20 years on claims of domestic violence.


She decided to move together with her two children to stay in Ajeluk cell, western ward in Katakwi town where she would do casual work for earning a living.


When schools opened for the first term in February, Idokot, who got casual work cooking in a local restaurant, enrolled Otengei in P4 and her last born in P.1 at Township Primary School in Katakwi town.


Otengei was previously at Aakum Primary School where he sat for his P3 examination and was promoted to P4.


Alupo, who offered a scholarship to Otengai, has urged him to work hard so that his dreams can become reality.


“His determination is extraordinary. I have accepted to support his education up to university,” Alupo said.


Otengei's mother remains one of the happiest mother in the planet after her son getting such opportunity that according to her is a blessing from God.

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