Peter Edeku foundation embarks on supporting education in Soroti district

Posted on Oct 15, 2023
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu 


SOROTI - In a bid to improve on the performance of pupils around Dakabela county in Soroti district,the Peter Edeku Edopu foundation body yesterday 14th, October ,2023 donated scholastic materials like pre PLE papers and pens to all government aided primary schools in all sub-counties around Dakabela County to enable them prepare for their forthcoming primary leaving examinations scheduled for 07th and 08th November.


During the handover ceremony that took place at Ogwolo primary school in Katine sub-county attended by different district political representatives of the sub county and County, head teachers and representatives from all schools in the County, the foundation body director, Peter Edeku said that he is confident of supporting education as he has always been doing.


"I have provided one of the sets of pre PLE exams and going to bring more sets as a pilot but will start early next year for this once it works and hoping to extend it to other counties on board so as to shape the education system in the district fol performance",


He further called upon for a partnership from different people like parents, teachers and others as he has the soft ware and they have the human resource instead of waiting for government that only provides the basics. 


He also explained that learners fear examinations especially sitting for the first time but with the sets coming up, it will equip them with knowledge, courage and confidence a head of the final exams urging the teachers to mark and do correction before the second set comes up. 


Stephen Olebe Soroti district council speaker appealed to the foundation not to leave the idealogy alone but rather push it till it's completion and have all stake holders on board so as to know any necessary gaps.


He also urged the school heads and SMCs' to always invite political representatives for AGM so that they can report back in councils. 


Opolot Quirino the head teacher of Katine Tiriri primary school and the coordinator of Dakabela county as chairperson of the head teachers highly appreciated the support saying that it will help elevate the performance of the pupils in the school.


"We have the road map as follows, monday and tuesday to prepare the candidates then Wednesday we shall do the first two papers, maths and SST then later science and english then friday and Saturday marking at different set centers before releasing the results",


He also added that the sets will help learners practice the actual work they are going to have during the PLE and give teachers and an overview of where they are and if they all get to. understand it before something can be done to improve or do better.


Anna Mary Akello, one of the members of the school management committee appreciated the support from the foundation and promised to rally parents to support the feeding of their kids who are to sit for their final exams. 


The support from the foundation will see through 30 primary government schools from all the four sub counties and one two council in Dakabela to benefit. 










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