President Museveni asks religious leaders, followers to emulate Jesus Christ

Posted on Apr 30, 2024
By Admin

By Emmanuel Okol


President Yoweri Museveni has advised religious leaders and their followers to emulate Jesus Christ who besides performing spiritual works he also worked with his father Joseph.


“The Scriptures show that besides fasting and prayer, he also healed the physical ailments of the blind, lame, lepers, deaf, etcetera. He fed the hungry. He also earned his bread by working alongside his father, Joseph as a carpenter,” the president said.


Mr. Museveni stressed that Jesus Christ worked for both the spiritual and socio-economic uplift of his family and society and this is what all Christians must emulate.


He made the remarks during the Busoga Diocesan St. Mary’s Day at St. James Church-Jinja City where he was ably represented by Vice President Maj. (Rtd) Jessica Alupo yesterday.


President Museveni contributed Shs.50m towards the construction of St. Mary’s house. The celebrations begun with a church service led by Rt. Rev Paul Naimanhye, the Bishop of Busoga Diocese.


The president Museveni told religious leaders that spiritual nourishment is important; but, it is not the only aspect of the Christian ministry.


“A holistic and relevant ministry must express equal concern for the physical needs of the faithful. While here on earth, the believers too, have physical needs that must be satisfied.


For example, the need for food, clothes, shelter, medicine, etc. Jesus Christ should serve as an example to all the religious leaders and their followers.


Mr. Museveni however, commended religious leaders in Busoga for partnering with the Government to eliminate poverty by increasing household incomes.


He said Poverty, in Uganda, arises from the fact that 38% of the households are still engaged in subsistence farming.


“They are still working only for food. This is dangerous because in addition to food, there are other human needs required to live a happy and long life. These human needs have a monetary value i.e. they can only be obtained through the medium of money,” he said.


The president said it is no longer sustainable for one to live outside the money economy and expect to attain a happy life.


He argued that Subsistence farming should be eliminated because it is a recipe for poverty and backwardness.


He outlined four sectors where wealth and jobs can be created including: commercial agriculture, industries, services and ICT.


The president concluded his address by urging leaders to help our people to select profitable enterprises in any of these sectors.


“Once we solve the problem of poverty in the homes, Christians will be empowered to meaningfully contribute money to the Church Construction

Projects,” he said.


The Rt. Rev Paul Naimanhye lauded president Museveni for his endless heart of giving without segregation and pledged continued partnership between the church and government.


Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga, the 1ST Deputy Prime Minister and minister for East African Affairs urged Christians to give as they have decided in their hearts.


“Do not give reluctantly or under compulsion, as God loves a cheerful giver,” she said.

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