Teso artists advised to save more and invest

Posted on Nov 29, 2021
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu


Artists in Teso sub region have been advised to save and invest money if they are to grow big.

The pronouncement was made by different invited leaders who attended the annual general meeting of teso entertainment ensemble (TEE) a registered association of teso entertainment that includes artists ,MCs, radio presenters, DJs ,music promoters, comedians, dancers among others at Atooti prime city hotel in soroti city east over the weekend.

Singer Naff cee, the association's chairperson explained that the association was formed in noveber,2020 but got registered in 2021 with an aim of saving and investing as a way of improving the lives of those in the entertainment industry.

‘’For long, the entertainment industry has been laughed at, we came up with this group to see through that we change our lives too, let no one start thinking that this association has come to affect the rest of the associations, one only pays a non refundable fee of 5,000 ugx and start saving weekly from as low as 4,000 ugx to 20,000 ugx and the money can be deposited in the associations bank account in DFCU bank’’ he added.

Nancha Zainab, the female youth councilor in soroti city east promised to lobby for the association as she wishes the best for the youth and supports talent.

Renowned business man in soroti city and the former mayoral aspirant for soroti city east division Hon.Latif Abdul said that it was rare to see young people with such ideologies coming to together and further advised them to remain united for the growth and development of the association.

‘’Learn to invest the money that you collect, let it make more money and let not the money you have collected cause divisionism amongst the members, start small and grow big and ensure that you share ideas with most of the influential people in the region and I promised to always be there for you’’ he added

He further pledged to support the associations with a brand new printer come January 2022.

The city council speaker Hon. Juliet Agonyo appreciated the team for enduring to save for the whole year amidst the tight conditions of covid 19, use Kampala musicians as an example as they once started small and grew in a gradual process, urged members to support the association for its growth and promised to support the association.

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