Biraro was a comrade who fought for justice-Dr. Kizza Besigye

Posted on Feb 17, 2020
By Admin

Dr Kizza Besigye, several military officers and mourners descended onto Masha, Isingiro District to bid farewell to Gen. Benon Biraro on Sunday afternoon.


Biraro who succumbed to Cancer had a distinguished military and political career, once vying for Presidency under his political platform Farmers Party of Uganda.


Speaker after speaker paid glowing tribute to the late Biraro whose humility and kindness they said was immense.


Kizza Besigye eulogised Benon Biraro as a " friend and comrade who fought for justice to the very end."


"Go well, sleep well, Rest in Peace Benon", Besigye concluded.

Dr. Kizza Besigye adressing mourners

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