Museveni extends Lock down for three weeks

Posted on Apr 15, 2020
By Admin

President Museveni has extended the Lockdown period by 21 day more days.


While adressing the nation on Tuesday afternoon, president Museveni sad that Public and private transportation shall remain suspended and companies will not open for work.


Markets shall also remain as has been in the last 15 or so days and so shall salons, electronics and fashion shops among others.


The country will maintain the 7pm to 6:30am curfew for 21 days.


President Yoweri Museveni who recounted that past measures have produced positive results says the 21 days will help to decisively defeat the corona virus pandemic.


“Let us be patient, wait for another 21 days and see what happens,” he said.


He further announced that the focus will now be shifter to the groups that remained working since the lockdown started. And these are Cargo Truck crews, Cargo plane crews, health workers, and UN staff who were allowed to transit in and out of the country. These will be tested for the disease. 
Authorities are also to continue tracking down the 18000 people who flew into the country between 7th and 22nd March as well as those they may have come into contact with. 



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