Song Lyrics: Odum Atiting by Prince Geff

Posted on Dec 10, 2020
By Admin


Odum Atiting(Be Patient/Take heart)

Odum Ainapakin(Be Calm/peaceful)

Odum Atiting(Be Patient/Take heart)

Narai Yesu Ekori(Because it is Jesus that gives)

Nenike idumuna iwoni aipikor(From Him we find victory/overcome

Nenike idumana iwoni alachakin(From Him we are set free)



Toni idolia iwoni ore(Till we reach home/heaven)

Toni idolia iwoni ore(Till we reach home/heaven)

Toni idolia iwoni nejai papa(Till we reach where the Father/God is)

Toni idolia iwoni ore(Till we reach home/heaven)

Toni idolia iwoni ore(Till we reach home/heaven)

Toni idolia iwoni nejai Yesu(Till we reach where Jesus is)

Toni idolia iwoni ore(Till we reach home/heaven)

Toni idolia iwoni ore(Till we reach home/heaven)

Toni idolia iwoni ore loka launan(Till we reach heavenly home)



Toma okale kon (In your family)

Ipuu lu itwania ijo(You have lost many dear ones)

Konye odum Atiting (But be patient/take heart)

Odum aipikor nejai Yesu(Find victory in Jesus)

Nesi ijaikini,nesi inyakari(He is the one who gives and takes away)

Odum Atiting (Be patient/take heart) Odum aipikor(Find victory)

Otoma ojakait(From the Lord) Yesu Christo(Jesus Christ)



Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, And I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you learn from me, For I am gentle and humble in heart, And you will find rest for your souls.

For my yoke is easy and burden is light


CHORUS Odum Atiting (Be Patient/take heart)

Odum Ainapakin(Be Calm/Peace)

Odum Atiting(Be Patient/take heart)

Narai Yesu Ekori(Because it is Jesus that gives)

Nenike idumana iwoni aipikor(From him we find victory/overcome)

Nenike idumana iwoni alachakin(From him we are set free)


VERSE 3. Toma aijar kon (In your life)

Ajeni eong ipuu lu asurup kon(I know you may have many enemies)

Ejena nen ipuu lu imanitos ijo(It's know there may be many who are against you)

Konye odum Atiting(But be Patient/Take heart) Oooooh Odum ainapakin(Be Calm/peaceful)

Toma ojakait(In the Lord)

Nesi ejai aipikor(Is where we find victory/overcome)

Never give up Iko atoka(My dear brother/sister)

Nenike ejai aipikor(In him we are victorious/overcome)

Nenike bon ejai aipikor(In him alone we are victorious/overcome Neni Yesu (In Jesus)

Neni papa (In the Father/God)

Ika toka opiya akiyo mum imonyi(My dear brother/sister wipe away your tears do not cry.....)



Odum Atiting (Be patient/take heart)

Odum ainapakin(Be Calm/peaceful)

Odum Atiting (Be Patient/take heart)

Narai Yesu Ekori (Because it is Jesus that gives)

Nenike idumuna iwoni aipikor(From him we find victory/overcome)

Nenike idumana iwoni alachakin(From him we are set free)......



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