Soroti city COVID task force to increase vaccination centers

Posted on Sep 28, 2021
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu


The Soroti district covid19 task force has resolved to increase the number of covid 19 vaccination centers in the district amidst increasing COVID 19 cases registered in the city and the district.


In a meeting attended by different leaders of the city and the district earlier today 27th Sept 2021 at the city headquarters, they resolved to increase the number of covid 19 vaccination centers from four to more than six as a way of targeting the 4.8 million people expected to be vaccinated before the country is fully opened.


Initially, the city has been carrying out vaccination from Princess Diana health center III, Eastern division health center III, Western division health center III, and Soroti Regional referral hospital.


According to Peter Pex Paak, the Soroti Resident City Commissioner, the vaccination will also be extended to churches every Sunday, mosques every Friday, and to the city's main market to capture a high number of people.


‘’We are yet to meet up with different religious leaders and agree on our resolutions and also we are to tighten the presidential guidelines of curfew and the division of task forces and their effectiveness’’


‘’We are also to close up the open daily market set up by people along old Mbale road as its causing a lot of crowding’’ He added


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