Patriotic League of Uganda Appoints Leadership for Teso Sub-Region

Posted on Dec 18, 2024
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu 


The Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU), under the leadership of its Chairman, has announced the appointment of new leadership to oversee the organization's operations in the Teso Sub-Region.


The appointments, effective immediately, aim to strengthen PLU's mission of promoting patriotism, combating corruption, and mobilizing communities for socio-economic transformation.  


The newly appointed leaders for Teso Sub-Region include:  


1. Hon. Peter Ogwang – Coordinator


2. Hon. Aeku Patrick – Assistant Coordinator


3. Mr. Elimu Richard – Committee Secretary


4. Mrs. Akol Zipora – Publicity Secretary  


5. Hon. Amongin Jacqueline – Women Council Representative  


6. Mr. Okwii Micheal Opepo – Elderly Council Representative  


7. Ms. Amulo Emily Sheila – Youth Council Representative 


8. Mr. Ojaman Simon Peter – Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Council Representative  


In a statement, David Kabanda, MP and General Secretary of the PLU, expressed confidence in the capabilities of the newly appointed team. He emphasized that their leadership reflects PLU's core values of patriotism, integrity, and commitment to public service.  


“The Patriotic League of Uganda is confident in the dedication and commitment of these individuals. Their leadership will be instrumental in fostering patriotism, combating corruption, and addressing the challenges facing communities in Teso Sub-Region. We look forward to seeing this team contribute significantly to socio-economic transformation,” Mr. Kabanda stated.  


The Teso Sub-Region, which comprises key districts such as Soroti, Kumi, and Katakwi, has historically faced challenges related to infrastructure development, education, and economic growth. The newly appointed PLU leaders are tasked with engaging local stakeholders, mobilizing citizens, and promoting initiatives that align with Uganda’s Vision 2040.  


This announcement is part of a broader strategy by the PLU to strengthen its presence across Uganda. Similar leadership appointments have been made in other regions to ensure nationwide representation and impact.  


The Patriotic League of Uganda continues to position itself as a key player in fostering patriotism, good governance, and accountability while working closely with communities to address issues such as poverty, corruption, and public resource management.  


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