Am now a Born Again- Selector PS confesses

Posted on Feb 02, 2020
By Admin

Teso celebrated disc joker and C.E.O of Baseline Entertainment Okello Simon a.k.a Selector PS shocked his fans after publicly confessing that he is now saved man.


The soft spoken and humble scratch master through his official social media handles revealed that he will nolonger play music in clubs or bars and calls upon other colleagues to abandon eartherly things and serve the Lord.


A close source revealed to us that PS called him on January 31st 2020 to confirm these news to him.


"I have now given my life to Christ, Brother Judgement day is coming soon" Selector told our source


He used to  work with Club Trendz Soroti and Voice of Teso radio before moving to Kampala last year where he has been working as freelance DJ in different popular city hangouts.


Selector PS Verbatim

Dear Friends and Funs, i would like to thank you for the support and love you showed me at the times i needed you most during my deejaying career, i know i must have hurt most of you in various ways, broken your hearts, i must say from the bottom of my heart am really sorry for each tear that dropped from your eyes, i wish there was another word that is more greater than "sorry" i would prefered to use it, if there's anyone who demands me i promise i will pay even more, it may not be today, tomorrow, next month or next year but all i can say i promise to pay, i would like to inform you that am now born again and i would like to use the skills and knowlege i have to server the Lord our GOD and grow in the house of the Lord. Everything has the begining and the end. so playing music in bars, clubs etc ended today. and i encourage all of you too to follow God He's the only way to enternal life, don't be deceived by earthly thing coz even when you die, you won't be burried with them. think about life after death. Judgement day is coming very soon, so think wise and make the right decession before ur left out. be blessed as you make that wonderful decession, God bless you all.

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