OPINION: Teso Musicians Association should bailout members during these tough times- Naffz Cee

Posted on Apr 11, 2020
By Admin

Musician Oruka Job well known by his stage name Naffz Cee has made call to Teso Musicians association to rescue it's members who need help at these tough times.


He proposed that the association should give out survival loans to members who have been hit hard by this lockdown.


"Teso musicians association headed by Mr Hon. Johnson emong otinga, this is the time you people could give out loans to the members of the association, instead of some members going out saying Teso artists are vulnerable in this Corona season n need help from the president,you can give out survival loans to them." Naffz Cee posted


He also added that the association can work together with Ministry of Health to sensitize the public on Corona using variety of songs produced by the artistes.


Naffz Cee's Verbatim:

Teso musicians association headed by Mr Hon. Johnson emong otinga, this is the time you people could give out loans to the members of the association, instead of some members going out saying Teso artists are vulnerable in this Corona season n need help from the president,you can give out survival loans to them,

But the silence in the Teso musicians association is too much like you are in self quarantine, like there is nothing left breathing in the association,if there's still something then think of helping your artists,n use your position to lobby for your artists in these hard times.
If there's nothing left in d association then give Dem an accountability,
As Teso musicians association you can see how to join The ministry of health to sensitise the locals thru music n I believe money has been allocated for Corona sensitization WIC these Corona songs boys n gals did used as a reference.
Thank you
Iteso emorikinos
Sorry if this offended some one out there,I didn't mean to
Happy good Friday and Easter a head
Sometimes speaking Sense on Facebook doesn't make sense
Eyamainos ebala m7,iyamainos eyamain aramak dah eminai, in ojebes voice

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