Soroti Sex Workers: Give us Food or we Go Back to Truck Drivers

Posted on May 09, 2020
By Admin

By: Salume Among 


Sex workers in Soroti today stormed the district Administration block demanding for food, lest they return to their business of sleeping with truck drivers for money.


26 in number, the sex vendors met Simon Edoru, the district LC 5 Vice Chairperson, with whom they shared their grievances stressing that with prostitution, they were vulnerable.


Earlier today, one of the sex workers told ENN that since lockdown truck drivers are their only hope since the rest of the clients are in lockdown.


The team handed over their written complaint, giving the district authorities an ultimatum of 4 days failure, of which will compel them back to truck drivers.


Still speaking anonymously, another prostitute told our Teso Sub region, Chief correspondent, that their children were at a risk of dying from starvation.


“I started prostitution because my husband died leaving me with 5 children but now my only source of income has also been suspended because of Covid – 19.” One of them tearfully said.


Soroti district LCV Vice chairperson Edoru, calmed down the prostitutes promising to present their issue before the district coronavirus task-force soon enough.


Currently, inter – state truck driver are the leading source of coronavirus transmission in Uganda with the general number now standing at 114.


Yesterday alone, all the 13 positive cases confirmed by the ministry were truck drivers


Credit: ENN

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