Song Lyrics: Aijar Na by Amoding Faith

Posted on Oct 11, 2020
By Admin


Amoding Faith Ikoku Iteso (Child of Teso)



Aijar Na mam erai naka(This life is not mine.)

Aijar ngin mam erai nakon(That life is not yours.)

Irai woni (We are) Ikulepek cut edarak (Just stewards.)

Konye moi ewomuni elopet (But tomorrow the owner is coming for it.)



Apuserut (Oh Widow)

Opiya ijo akonkiyo (Wipe your tears away.)

Toma akwap irai woni alotook (In this world we are just passengers.)

Kuju ngesi erai buwok (Heaven is our only home.)

Ngina ore iyenguni woni (It's only there we shall have rest.)

Ikokiok opiyasi akus kiyo(Oh orphans wipe your tears away.)

Toma akwap irai woni alotook (In this world we are just passengers.)

Kuju ngesi erai buwok (Heaven is our only home.)

Ngina ore iyenguni woni (It's only there we shall have rest.)



Siri ijo ikurianar arai(Do not be afraid.)

Ebuu areyo (When trial comes.)

Siri ijo ikurianar arai (Do not be afraid.)

Epotu icani(When poverty comes.)

Siri ijo ikurianar arai (Do not be afraid.)

Ebuu adeka(When sickness comes.)

Kolimok ijo Yesu (Just tell Jesus.)

Ngesi erai elopet aijar(The author of life.)

Siri ijo ikurianar arai(Do not be afraid.)

Enger inacan (When brothers/sisters reject you.)

Siri ijo ikurianar arai (Do not be afraid.)

Enger ateker (When the clan rejects you.)

Araibonat ebuu areyo(Or when trail comes.)

Kolimok ijo Yesu(Jesus tell Jesus)

Ngesi elopet Aijar (The author of life.)




Aijar wokayinakisi elopet (Let us surrender our our lives to the owner.)

Iduwe wok ayinakisi elopet (Let us surrender our children to the owner.)

Ikalia wok ayinakisi elopet (Let us surrender our Families to the owner.)

Yesu bon ngesi erai elopet (Only Jesus is the owner.)

Emoyo kon koyinak ijo elopet (Surrender your Spirit to the owner.)

Etau kon koyinak ijo elopet (Surrender your soul to the owner.)

Aiyuun kon koyinak ijo elopet (Surrender your Faith to the owner.)

Yesu bon ngesi erai elopet (Only Jesus is the owner.)

Yesu bon ngesi elopet Aijar (Only Jesus is the owner.)

Aijar ka ayinakit eong elopet (My life I have surrendered to the author.)

Iduwe ka ayinakit eong elopet (My children I have surrendered to the owner.)

Ekaleka ayinakit eong elopet (My family I have surrendered to the owner.)

Yesu bon ngesi erai elopet (Only Jesus is the owner.)

Karaida ebuu areyo (Even though trial comes.) Karaida ebuu aitemio (Even though temptation comes.)

Karaida epotu icani (Even though poverty comes.)

Aijar na ayinakit eong elopet (This life I have surrendered to the author.)





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