SONG LYRICS: On the Cross by Jo Matrix

Posted on Apr 15, 2022
By Admin


Jesus carried the cross
Using His own two feet
To die for our sins and
Our defeat

Why did He do it? No reason
But love
He wanted to help us to heaven

Ya....Jo Matrix


Lord on the Cross
You gave your son
Jesus on the Cross
He bled and died on the Cross
Just to take away my sins
Away ehe....


All the thrones on the head
All the cains and the pains
  That you took

All the Nails and the harmer
All the spears and the cross
That you carried

All the laughs and the mockery
All the insults and the Games
That were done to you

I can never pay you for this
Kind of love.....

I just lift ma hands and
Thank you Lord

Bu Jo OLim papa Edeke...
   Itim kes da

Mam. Ejenete,I boro Nuwesomaete
Kesi da.....Mam Ejenete

Siri imonyete Kanuka  Da

Narai  Arai  Aicha,Keda Eroto
  Beit Aitor  Da
Coz am the only Truth

So Mam engo agiri jooo Edeke ka

Narai Jo papa ka, Toma  aijar  ka,

Toma  Okale  ka,  Toma Alosite  Ka

Can never describe this kind of love...
Deing on the Cross,

Just to set me free, On the brighter day...

Yah Auh.....

Back to chorus

Eloi.    Eloi...

My God,my God...

Y did you abandoned me
That's  how  Jesus  carried when
He  was  Nailed  on  the Cross....

They  gave  him  Acheap  wine
Using  a stick and  Asoaked sponge

He  drunk  the  cheap  wine
And  he  said  it's  finished

For God so loved the world

That  he  gave his only son

That  whoever  believes  in Him

Shall  Never  peris....h
But  have  eternal  life....



On the cross:.....
                All the evil plans and evil chains are broken

And His blood...,
             Washed away All my sins and made me free

Its finished;...,.
            All the sorrows and worries and the slavery

Oh what a victory;......
          At the cross of Calvary.

His flesh;....,.
     Covered all the darkness  then gave me light....

And His words;....,
     Gave  me  peace , joy  in  ma salvation.

And His Death;......
     Brought me back like A newborn Baby......Auh...

Now I move a life like a conquerer

Chorus;..... END


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