FINALLY: UNEB to Release PLE Results on Friday

Posted on Jan 25, 2023
By Admin

Peace of mind has finally been bestowed upon the parents and guardians whose children sat for 2022 Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) following an Official announcement by the Ministry of Education and Sports over the release of the results scheduled for Friday this week.


Dr. Joyce Kaducu the state minister for Primary Education apologized for the delay and explained that the board was ready to release the results on Friday, January 27, 2023, but it was necessary to brief the top Ministry officials before releasing the results.


It should also be noted that Daniel Odongo, the Executive Director of the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) the previous week announced the release of the results was in vain.


The announcement arouse the interest of parents, former candidates, and other interested parties whose anxiety grew when the examinations board failed to release the results as expected.


The Minister further revealed that UNEB officials are scheduled to brief the Education Minister, Janet Kataha Museveni, and other management officials on Wednesday about the results.


While appearing before the Parliamentary Education Committee earlier this month, Odongo, noted that marking PLE ended before Christmas. Marking took place at 13 centers involving 5,544 examiners.


However, the board was not able to immediately present the results to the Minister for release as there are several steps that had to be taken before the release of results, including convening an internal examination security committee to review the results for candidates suspected of engaging in malpractice following several reports of some individuals who have been using social media to disseminate false information about the reasons for the delayed release of the result, new release dates, and other misleading information. For instance, on Monday evening, there was a rumor doing rounds on social media that the results would be released Tuesday (yesterday).


The UNEB spokesperson, Jennifer Kalule Mulumba has since warned the public about this misinformation. In a brief press release, Kalule urged parents, school heads, and other interested parties to disregard this false information, as reported by one of the country's news sites (nation times).


PLE was conducted on November 8th and 9th, 2022, with a total of 832,810 candidates registered from 14,153 examination centers. 51.9 percent of the total registered candidates were females and 48.1 percent were males. 583,769 were funded under the Universal Primary Education-UPE program, and 249,041 were non-UPE candidates.



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