20 Obvious Signs She Likes You But Is Hiding It

Posted on May 16, 2023
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu


How will you know if a girl is secretly in love with you? Do you feel like there is this friend who has special feelings for you? If she likes you but is hiding it, for sure, it will still show.


Girls may be more emotional than guys, but they seldom initiate the dating process. Many still believe that it is the guy who should first express affection. For this reason, many ladies choose to hide their feelings if there is no assurance that men feel the same way for them.


Check out the signs for you to know that she feels you.



1. She Introduces You to Others as Her BFF.

If the woman is close to you, she may resort to calling you her best friend. She knows she cannot claim you as her boyfriend, so she contents herself with having you as a BFF(Best Friends Forever). She is proud of introducing you as such to others for now, but deep inside, she hopes it will level up someday.



2. She Treats You as Her Human Journal.

Another sign that she likes you but is hiding it is how she pours out her feelings and thoughts to you. She confides her secrets since she trusts you with all her heart. This is also her way of letting you into her world, hoping you will like her as she is.



3. She Likes Being with You Whenever She is Not Okay.

You are a source of comfort to this girl. Whenever she is down, you are the first person she calls and hopes to see. She is comforted by your presence, so she often asks you out to join her.



4. She is Not Embarrassed to Cry in Front of You.

Also, she is not afraid to cry whenever you are together. She feels safe and accepted with you. For this reason, she does not feel embarrassed that you see her crying. In fact, this is her way of showing you her vulnerability, and she hopes you will be her knight in shining armor.



5. She Tells You Her Plans.

This lady does not only tell you her secrets, but she gives you the privilege to know her plans too. For instance, she lets you know about her dream job and how she plans to get it. Or she tells you about her dream family and where she hopes to build her home. This is actually a hint that she hopes you will share the future with her.



6. She is Always There for You.

Of course, being best friends is not just about her. Therefore, she also does her part by being there for you whenever you need someone. She helps you in any way she can and offers her unending support. So rest assured that she got your back.



7. She is Always the First One to Greet You on Your Birthday.

This girl never forgets your birthday. Moreover, it is her tradition to be the first one to greet you. She will call or message you at exactly midnight. Then, expect her to surprise you with gifts and a small party during the day.



8. She is Fond of Giving You DIY Gifts.

Does she give you presents even on ordinary days? One sign she likes you but is hiding it is her fondness for making DIY items for you. All her gifts often have a personal touch. For instance, she makes a collage of your photos together with a sweet note expressing her gratitude for having you as her friend.



9. She Loves to Check on You.

If you have not seen each other for many days, expect her to check on you by phone. She will regularly ask how you are and if you are eating well. In addition, she will consistently remind you to take your vitamins and get enough rest. Her concern for your welfare is evident.



10. She Takes Care of You When You are Sick.

And whenever you are under the weather, expect her to be your nurse. She will not hesitate to sacrifice time just to be able to take care of you. Also, she will bring you fruits and vegetables and even cook soup to help you feel better.



11. She Loves Your Family.

Another sign that she likes you is how she makes an effort to be close to your family. She is a constant visitor to your house and often brings food for them. Moreover, she assures your parents that she keeps an eye on you and loves to bond with your siblings.



12. She Invites You to All Family Occasions.

Of course, she likes you to be part of her family too. She often invites you to their family gatherings. And even if there is no occasion, she loves to have you at her home.



13. She is Fond of Touching You.

Another clue that she likes you but is hiding it is how she cannot stop herself from touching you. She loves holding your hand, hugging you, or squeezing your nose. And whenever you cross the road, she loves to intertwine her arm with yours.



14. She Tells You She Loves You (as a Friend).

Is she fond of saying “I love you” and that she is blessed to have you in her life? If yes, you probably think she only says these things as a friend. However, it is possible that she really means more than friends.



15. She Loves Posting Your Photos Together.

If this girl loves to post you on social media, it is evident that she is proud of you. Sometimes, it is not simply because you are good friends. You may be the most handsome guy in her eyes, and she cannot help but flex you to the world.



16. She Messages You Round-the-Clock.

Another sign that she likes you is her constant messages. No day passes by without some chats or texts from her. She loves to update you about her days, and at the same time, she is interested in yours.



17. She Wants You to be Together All the Time.

Does this girl love to go out with you? If she always wants to spend her free time with you, it is obvious that she values you so much. For her, your presence is a source of joy and comfort.



18. She is Jealous Whenever You are Close to Other Girls.

Do you notice that she seems irritable when talking with other girls? It is possible that she is jealous. She hates the thought that you find other girls worthy of your time and attention. Therefore, she finds ways to get you from them or gets mad at you for no reason.



19. She Disappears When You Date Someone Else.

Have you ever dated someone and this girl suddenly distanced herself from you? If yes, it means she got hurt knowing you liked another girl.



20. She Suddenly Dates Another Guy Too.

In connection to no. 19, did she suddenly date another guy too? It was not a coincidence that you, two, fell in love with others at the same time. She had been waiting for you to realize her worth and got disappointed that you dated someone else. Hoping you would be jealous, she tried dating another guy.



If you are now convinced that your girl friend secretly likes you, how does it make you feel about her? Knowing she likes you but is hiding it, have you come to evaluate how you truly feel about your friendship? If you think the feeling is mutual, why not try pursuing her before you lose her for good?

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