SOROTI : Former Arrow boy arrested with ammunition used for criminal activity

Posted on Jul 12, 2023
By Admin

SOROTI - The police of Soroti East division are holding a former arrow boy member identified as Orego Francis aged 40 years resident of Arubela village, Dakabela parish, Arapai sub county in Soroti district in connection with murder vide CRB 206/2023, aggravated robbery with the aid of a gun and rape vide SD REF 49/28/06/2023. 


According to reports, the suspect is a former arrow boy from 2003 to 2007 detach seven then as it was based at Dakabela Sub County in Soroti district who has been in hiding because of his connection to the crimes he committed.


It's noted that in 2008 he was arrested on allegation that his gun was used in the murder of oc post of Kichinjaji, he was arraigned in court and sentenced to 22 years in prison but however after appealing the sentence, he was released after serving part of it and on 30/6/2023, the suspect allegedly shot one Musisi John Baptist in Opiyai A, Opiyai ward, in Eastern division in Soroti City.


Orego was later arrested on the 10th/07/2023 at around 08:00PM after police received information that the suspect in question was admitted at Soroti regional Referral Hospital after fight with his brothers Ecegu Isaac and Ocen Emmanuel whom he had wanted to cut with a panga but was instead over powered and beat him necessitating his admission for medical attention.


According to SP Ageca Oscar Gregg, the east Kyoga mouth piece in a press statement issued today, "tahe Police has recovered exhibits of a bicycle, black jacket and mobile phones from the home of Orego francis which he allegedly got during the murder and robbery. We further recovered Riffle number UG UPDF 564807641 with 29rds of live ammunition was recovered abandoned in a cassava plantation,with another three magazines in a green porch with eight rounds of ammunition pushed under the fire wood at the mother’s home",


"We also have two suspects in custody to help with the investigation while the prime suspect herw above is currently undergoing medical attention under guard by Uganda Police. We are looking for other suspects who are hiding and on the run and any information availed shall greatly help to resolve and secure the public", he explained.


He also reiterated their commitment as police in maintaining law and order in communities by protecting members of the public and their property from gun violence, and reducing the fear of crime, by arresting those persons who involve them selves in crime and crime related activities.


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