How MP Achayo has tremendously transformed Ngora County from the time she entered office

Posted on Jul 17, 2023
By Admin

Ngora county - As the current performance rate cards of the different parliamentarians continues to trend, different MPs have since with great effort ensured that their constituencies change for the betterment of the voters, from the time she was voted in the 11th parliament under the NRM ticket representing the people of Ngora County in Ngora district, Hon.Achayo Juliet Lodou has tremendously committed herself to serve the people and has lobbied and spent her own money to have services come closer basing on health,education,climate change and others.


Below are the different achievements of the Ngora county MP;




Health is one of the greatest and biggest sectors in the country, to ensure that there is great performance in her county, the MP through her office donated hand washing facilities both in trading centers and health units, covidex to all health centers and hospitals in Ngora district that helped to boost the fight against the pandemic, equipping the medical wards with beds and mattresses, gum boots for health workers, tyres for the health center ambulance and the task force fuel for both district task force that enabled the mobility of staff during the fight against COVID 19.


The MP has also lobbied for the hospital maternity unity and health Centre IV amounting to 20,000,000 ugx in a move to end death of infants and mothers during delivery time and also beds for different facilities in the county and has further focused on ensuring that they are equipped.




To ensure that her constituency is able to compete with the rest in performance, the MP was able to support all government and communal secondary and primary schools in Ngora County with textbooks and sports equipment.


She has also motivated learners who perform well by awarding them with mattresses, bed sheets, and scholastic materials, cash etc and is still continuing to do so.


Following the concern from different schools over poor roofing, water supply to help learners, the MP through her intervention roofed a number of schools like Gawa primary school teachers house before her election as MP, two classes in kadok community school, two classes at katukubui primary school, donated 100 iron sheets to Aciisa primary school eco tank to help in water storage, donated cement to St. Aloysius primary school and pledged to roof one block, supported the community of Soroti with 3,800,000 ugx for the construction of agora seed secondary school, assisted in the completion of fencing of Ngora new school that has kept away intruders.


She further funded the construction of two in one teacher’s houses in Apama primary school, facilitated the PLE registration of the pupils from Apama to a tune of 1.500,000= ugx.




As it’s always said, give and it will be given back unto you, with her generous heart, the MP has supported all religious sects and institutions differently like roofing Obosai Catholic Church, donated 100 iron sheets to Aciisa church of Uganda, Agolitom revival ministry of prayer warriors church with 400,000 and 100 iron sheets,Omoyo church kalengo with 400,000 ugx and 100 iron sheets, donated 100 iron sheets to Okisimo church of Uganda and 400,000 ugx,supported the St. Paul catholic church with 1,840,000 for sheltering of the church and also donated 100bags of cement, 5,000 bricks and transport for all those items to St. Augustine catholic church Odwarat sub county totaling to 3,680,000= ugx and many more churches that she has rendered help to and pledged to offer support.


She has and is still continuing to work closely with the different religions so as to ensure that the gospel is spread without blockage.




Through her own intervention, the woman MP’s office has donated chairs for 6 sub counties in Ngora County 1,000 each, two water boozers in kobuin and one in mother Ngora, donated 7000kgs of maize seeds bought that was given to different farm groups, the MP also graced a mass wedding of 43 couples at St. Philips thus donating a mattress to each couple.


Following the water crisis concern that was raised, she repaired more than 20 boreholes across the county.


Supported the widows, orphan, and elderly vulnerable conference in koile with posho and soap


Supported the women conference in koloin catholic church with posho, 2 bags of rice, water boozer, transport and financial support.


To improve and ensure that people move from one place to another, Ngora vai kobuin to Aleles road is yet to be upgraded to class 1 maram road that will also boost up trade in the community.


She further lobbied for the funding of PWDs groups in Ngora County and the construction of a stadium in her constituency and further distributed 30 wheel chairs to pwds in the whole county.


Donated fuel worth 275 liters to Okorom youth for levelling of their playground and facilitating the operators to a tune of 1,500,000 ugx and is also yet to introduce Achayo’s Christmas cup that will bring all holiday makers together.


Supported the vulnerable and orphans helped by fox care in okorom village with bed sheets, soap, washing soap and jelly.


Agriculture and commerce


She carried out an intervention and visited some of the villages that were affected by the potato worms and promised to lobby for relief and planting materials for the people of Ngora.


Lobbied for 4,000 day old kuroiler chicks that were raised to a period of 1.5months before giving out to 92 groups across the county at a tune of 45m ugx thus improving on the livelihoods and households of the beneficiaries.


Supported 10 women groups of kobuin Sub County with 50 improved breed large white pigs.


Supported the Ngora drivers and loaders development association with 1,000,000 and 40 VSLA’s groups with 16,000,000 ugx and different groups with seed capital to help them boost up their savings.


It should also be noted that she is further focusing on seeing a better Ngora county for all people no matter the political affiliation and distributed 30 wheel chairs to pwds from the whole county.





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