Former Emorimor Receives Life-Changing Relief Donations from the community

Posted on Sep 22, 2023
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu 


SOROTI - Relief items were today delivered to papa Paprus Imodot the first ICU ( iteso Cultural Union) leader and founder body member.


The support is from different Well-wishers who carried out a fundraising drive dubbed 1k from social media and were able to collect money that was used for buying different items like food, sheets and others that were handed over to him at his residence in Kichinjaji ward in Soroti city east. 


The drive came up after a message was circulated by his lawyer Richard Anguria Omongole who described the life style of the elderly man as an agonizing one that needed immediate attention. 


According to him, it was an embarrassment to iteso as the former Emorimor spent two days without eating due to lack of food a situation that forced the Mzee to soroti high court where he cried out to the resident judge of soroti that he had spent two days without food!, Looking frail and sick, he told the judge how he can’t afford a meal let alone expenses to transport witnesses to court!


" Looking at the old man about to collapse in his chambers, the judge had to look for some little money to enable Mzee Imodot buy food! ,concerned with the old man’s appalling condition, the judge called me wondering how a former and founding leader of iteso cultural Union could be left in such a dire situation! He wondered why many iteso in privileged positions both in government and private sector could let Mzee Imodot suffer to that extent on his remaining few years",


In his narration, he added how the judge was shocked on how a former Emorimor was living in a small structure that was a kiosk used for a butchery wondering how iteso are. 


With all his mighty titles as the former ICU founder member and first cultural leader of the iteso, one may assume that he lives a humble life as a royal elite because of his position but it's all the opposite.


As he walked out of his old house that was once used us a kiosk or butchery, with the support of an old walking stick, dressed on a torn old jacket, stripped shirt, old trousers and old sandles mended by a cobbler, Papa Paprus Imodot walked slowly towards the shade, sat on an old plastic chair, pulled his reading glasses, put his analog button phone on the table as he welcomed the team that had paid him a courtesy visit. 


Watching closely how he opened his mouth to talk, all that one could observe was a man of knowledge in an old age. 


All he talked about was ICU, long awaited cattle compensation, his land that was grabbed and the need for iteso to unite for the betterment of ateker.


His way of survival is through some of his children, grand children and well - wishers who wish the best for him.


"I would wish to write a book, that people will read through even after I die", he mentioned in an old rough voice as added how he lost his land.


Pointing at an angle Infront of his door that always made him slip off, inside the house is an old mattress used for years, bed bugs and rusted iron sheets that always let in water each time it rains leaving him with no other option but collect it with saucepans and basins as a measure of preventing it from spreading all over the house. 


"I appreciate the love of Gen. Elwelu who has been closing supporting me with basic needs that have kept me moving steadily", he explained with a heavy voice full of agony.


Living with debts, clothes held up at the laundry after he failed to clear the bill, unable to get anything on credit from the shop he is used to as he is being demanded money, even with old rentals that most people have been circulating online that belong to him, dubbing him a landlord was all propaganda that we got to witness after physically visiting him.


Opio Joseph Admin who led the fundraising drive moments after giving the support to Mzee said that the initiative came up following the story written by his lawyer and the contribution was partly to confirm the situation at hand that wasn't good. 


"Our next move will be a surprise that we shall tell the public once it all comes into reality",


" You won't believe what we saw but we thank God for everything, all those who contributed, am speechless but he remains our father and the founder of ICU, he needs us and he is the bearing of the union, papa Imodot needs us as Iteso, we entered his plot and house, he truly needs us more than ever, saying that he is landlord is not true, he stays in a dilapidated house, we as iteso have to come together, tears rolling out of his eyes isn't a good sign", Suzan Shalom one of the well-wishers said.


Ayeto Suzan the grand daughter of Mzee Imodot who couldn't hide her tears of joy thanked everyone for the generous support to their grandfather who has been living through hardship.


" We call for support of a proper latrine, bathroom and the fixing of papas roof that are in a sorry state, the support given today is so great and we as a family appreciate it alot", she added as tears rolled out of her eyes.


Meanwhile Mzee Imodot who continuously praying and blessing all those who supported him the dire state called for togetherness of the iteso.


" I never thought this was all going to come, am. so happy and excited for the support, thank you so much, thank you so much once more", he added. 









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