From Operating Room to Boardroom: Dr. Ekure's Book Aims to Reshape Society

Posted on Feb 13, 2024
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu 


Dr. John Ekure, renowned for his dedication to healing through orthopedic surgery, is embarking on a new mission: to uplift communities by addressing socio-economic challenges.


While his Kumi Orthopaedic Centre continues its vital work in treating bone complications, Dr. Ekure's latest literary endeavor, "Changing Our World," aims to combat economic hardships.


Scheduled for release on February 16th, the book launch event at Hotel Africana in Kampala promises engaging discussions, author insights, and valuable networking opportunities within the health industry.


Dr. Ekure's book, which marks his second publication following "Undeterred," is centered on three key pillars: mindset, productivity, and human skills, offering a roadmap for transforming economic status.


The launch serves a dual purpose, aiming to raise funds for the Elizabeth Opola Foundation, which supports underprivileged youth through education and environmental conservation.


Tickets, priced at a modest Shs200,000, include a signed copy of the book, with proceeds directed towards these noble causes.


Inspired by his late mother, Elizabeth Opola, a midwife tragically killed during the Teso insurgency, Dr. Ekure founded the Kumi Orthopaedic Centre in her honor. Through his profession and philanthropic efforts, he has touched countless lives in the Kumi District and beyond.


In addition to supporting education and environmental conservation, a portion of the book launch proceeds will contribute to environmental conservation initiatives. Dr. Ekure emphasizes the importance of collective action in driving positive change, urging attendees to support these impactful endeavors.


As the book launch celebrates literature, it also signifies collective support for initiatives aimed at making a difference in the lives of aspiring youth and preserving Uganda's environment.


It should be noted that the Kumi Orthopaedic Centre, founded in 2011, remains dedicated to providing exceptional patient care and preventing and treating disabilities, driven by a passion for healthcare and community development, Dr. Ekure's vision continues to shape orthopedic care in Uganda while leaving a lasting impact on society.

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