Eddy Kenzo leaks his breakup messages with Rema

Posted on Oct 15, 2019
By Admin

It's very hard complete a day without seeing Kenzo's posts related to his past relationship with Rema


The latest information on our desk is that Kenzo has leaked his whatsapp chat messages with his former lover Rema Namakula.


His intentions of posting the screenshots on social media was to justify that he has no problem with Rema and he okayed her moving on after having four meetings with her.


He added that he is still hurt by Muzaata's comments during Rema and Hamza's Kukyala ceremony where he branded him 'Love nigga' 

Kenzo was hurt most when man of God continued to say that 'let love nigga marry his mother' 


He is theerefore still demanding for an apology from him but man of God still seems to be defiant.


Below are screen shots that kenzo shared;



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