Patients, Nurses flee Kumi Hospital over COVID-19 Suspected case

Posted on Mar 24, 2020
By Admin

By David Oduut


There was panic in Atutur hospital in Kumi district Monday afternoon as patients fled the facility after a suspected case of Covid 19 was taken to the hospital. Medical personnel who were on duty at the facility were also rattled after receiving the suspect.


The suspect a 30 year old woman from Basaar ward in Kumi Municipality was rushed to the hospital on Monday afternoon.


She has been selling goats to south Sudan but returned to the country on Friday last week.


It is alleged that upon her return, she revealed to locals Monday morning that the man she had been staying with in south Sudan died a few days ago due to Corona Virus.


This prompted locals to report her to the authorities in Kumi municipality who first took her to Kumi Health center where medical workers scattered to safety upon seeing her.


Authorities then took her to Atutur general hospital but upon arrival, patients there also wasted no time and also dispersed at terific speed fearing that they could contract the disease.


“I saw some patients attempt to jump over the fence with canulars still in their hands, they were visibly terified,” James Amukun a boda boda rider at Atutur stage said.


“People you should call an ambulance immediately because much as I am a nurse I also have little children to take care of, please!” This blogger heard a nurse complain before medical colleagues who were gathered a hospital corner with each glad on a facemask and a pair of hand gloves.  


Betty Ilepus a mother whose baby had been admitted with severe malaria at the facility met Daily monitor at the gate of the hospital while fleeing with her on the shoulder said: “I rather take my baby elsewhere than stay here and die together with her.”


While Michael Omolo who was also taking care of his wife at the hospital said that the lack of protective gear for attendants and patients at the facility is a clear indicator that a single case could spread the disease to the entire population at the health facility.


 “If it turns out that the woman is truly sick, and then we shall all be at risk, the best is to leave her alone here as we seek medical assistance elsewhere.” Mr. Omolo said adding that he is transferring his sick wife to Mbale regional referral hospital.


The exodus of the patients at Atutur hospital prompted a mob that descended at the health facility as they sought to lynch the suspect for allegedly bringing the disease to the village.


Dr. Isaac Omare the medical officer in charge Atutur general hospital said that much as the suspect’s status has not yet been ascertained, she had been isolated in a special quarantine room which is also guarded to safeguard her from the mob.


Dr. Omare said that samples from the suspect have also been taken to Princes Diana health center four in Soroti district for testing.


Meanwhile, Dr. Omare acknowledged the lack of capacity by Atutur hospital to handle corona virus cases.


“I should admit that we lack enough protective gears for both patients and staff and inadequate space for isolation of cases,” Dr. Omare said.  


Uganda confirmed its first case of Corona virus on Saturday night with the president announcing stringent measures of controlling the spread of the disease including closing of all borders and encouraging locals to stay home and exercise social distancing.


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