Kumi residents resort to drinking from the bushes

Posted on Apr 07, 2020
By Admin

A section of Kumi 'booze generals' have resorted to drinking famous local brew known as 'Ajon' from the bush following closure of bars.


President Museveni recently passed a directive banning all social gatherings in efforts to prevent spread of COVID-19.


During district security meeting last week, Kumi L.C Five Chairperson Christine Apolot revealed that some residents have resorted to drinking alcohol from the bushes which is contrary to Presidential directives.


She also added that this vice is very common in Totolim and Tiisai parishes all found in Ongino Subcounty.


However, this same habbit has also spread to other districts like Katakwi

A man snapped drinking 'Ajon' in the bush

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