OGEESEK: Okwakol Timothy Eyeing Serere 'Municipality' in 2031

Posted on Jun 20, 2021
By Admin

As we just concluded the 2021 general elections more youth have already jumped into the queue pacing up and down for the much anticipated political boat cruise, this time, the destination is not flying the planes from EBB-DXB-KHI airport but to serve the people of Serere district Or a projection of the municipality as there area member of Parliament come 2031.

This young man Okwakol Timothy Son to Okwakol Lazaro.born and raised in Serere Igola II village is a pilot, humanitarian, and say"Ageu kolejet eong einar sek mam erai lolo bon" I am a founder running a Serere youth development organization, a team of 485members youth with a goal of development. (Serere youth development association. SEYODA)

The young cadre has been sighted with Huge pompous names like Dr. Kenneth Omona, Hon. Otuko Augustine,Hon Hellen Adoa,Hon.Philip Oucor and the vice president of Uganda. Hon Alupo Jessica. Can we conclude and say he is sent ... Let's watch the space.

Education studied primary zero (today's so-called nursery). At Akudam primary school. 1999 to 2002. Joined King's kids for one year. (2003) as pioneers also for one year then joined Mother Majeri primary school the of the late Opio George also as a pioneer till P 7. He scored 8 aggregates Went to St. Joseph Naggalama 2010 to 2013. Sat for my UCE in Jeresa got 38 aggregates then elevated to Lugazi Homstone college in Lugazi came out with 13points in MEG/ICT.


He later joined the Uganda aviation academy came out with a diploma. As we speak the young visionary man has received his admission for further study in PPL in Kenya.

From us at Teso Vibez let's keep our hands closed and pray that success is attained at all levels.

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