Minister Asamo Applauds Soroti City clerk for managing COVID-19 Relief Funds

Posted on Aug 31, 2021
By Admin

  By Nathan Eyagu


 The State Minister for disability Hon. Asamo Hellen Grace today commended the Soroti city Clerk, Ambrose Ocen for professionally managing the 100,000/- cash relief meant for the vulnerable groups during the Covid-19 lockdown. 


 The Minister while on her post-Covid relief evaluation and compliance program in a meeting at the Soroti Lukiiko hall said that her Ministry had not registered any complaints from Soroti over the said cash.    


 Hon. Asamo also cautioned the population not to relax as far as the Covid pandemic is concerned and as the country prepares for the third wave which is seemingly more ravaging than the second one.


 She further advised disabled persons to take disability with a positive angle.


"Disability is just a walking fashion, we need to create a mindset change in our communities to harness the potential in our disabilities," the Minister said.

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