UMA sets up a committee to handle Sexual harassment claims among musicians

Posted on Sep 23, 2022
By Admin

Uganda Musicians Association (UMA) under the leadership of Cindy Sanyu has set up a committee to handle sexual harassment claims.


The formation of this committee was a result of several sexual harassment cases that have been reported against different artists.


However, male artists often deny the claims saying the upcoming artists just want to build names by trash-talking them and cases end up fading away in that way.


Yesterday, UMA sat down and chose a committee to handle these issues and as a president, Cindy said she hopes these bad acts putting down the industry will stop.


“I have seen girls coming to me reporting different cases of male artists sexually harassing them. I know I am a president but I can’t handle some issues that’s why I want a committee to be formed and handle that part,” Cindy Sanyu said.

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