DJ Kalz blasts promoter Don Nelly for failing to pay DJ's

Posted on Jun 08, 2023
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu


Renowned disc joker Kalz has blasted promoter Don Nelly for failing to pay dJ's who took part in the djs battle that he had organised dubbed 'Eastern deejay battle' that took place on Saturday,20th,may,2023 at Secret heart hotel, Kumi


According to dj Kalz who expressed his dissatisfaction with Don Nelly,the promoter did not and has not paid any of the djs any coin even when the mp (Silas Aogon,MP Kumi municipality) sent him money, and with gate collections.


"Don Nelly, Kalz wants that money at all costs, Come back to your senses otherwise,whoever has access to PROMOTA DON NELLY,

Tell him to clear djs who participated in the #EasternDeejaysBattle because it’s almost 3weeks down the road without him picking calls, empty promises", 


He further explained that ,"These are the very promoters asking djs to be fully equipped when they aren’t paying them. What should djs use for buying equipment?", he angrily reacted.


According to reports, about six dJ's who include,

Dj Drex,Dj iks,Dj ivande,Dj Keliz and Dj Kalz took part in the battle with the winner expected to walk away with a sum of 1m ugx from the organiser but only received 50,000 ugx that was given to them by the area MP.


Meanwhile Promoter Don Nelly while on an interview with this website said that he was yet to clear Kalz an amount of money that he had promised him.


He further added that he had a brotherly agreement with Kalz before coming for the event and was surprised upon his reading negative Kalz posts on Facebook.


"I know of majorly of dj Iks' who still owes me and is calm but for Kalz am yet to clear him as I have been through a lot paying for damages that I incurred during the show when property was damaged and a few people injured", he added.


"Some Teso promota Djs need there money ,stop using us making a name isn't Easy bro

Nuka Da ngun,we don't joke wen it comes to business",DJ Ivande too posted on his face book wall.


Meanwhile, dj Nelly replied to dj Ivande too saying that he had also most of the djs sorted out by the MP and by himself too.



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