Top Soroti University Boss to Face Disciplinary Action over Gross Indiscipline

Posted on Aug 23, 2023
By Admin

The Soroti University Senior Procurement Officer Mr. Areeba Hudson is to face disciplinary action over alleged gross indiscipline, we have exclusively learnt.


Mr. Areeba is accused of signing an MOU on behalf of Karf Aqua Engineering Solutions LTD.


In his letter dated August 21, 2023 to Areeba and copied to Vice Chancellor, Soroti University, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Soroti University and All members of Top Management, Soroti University, Mr. Abdallah Oyare Shaban on behalf of the University said that the action stems after IGG picked interests in the matter and started investigations.


In his letter, Oyare is asking Areeba to explain under what circumstances he signed the contract document on behalf of Karf Aqua Engineering Solutions Ltd within 14 days' time and in any case not later than 4th September 2023.


“As you are aware, the University signed a contract with Karf Aqua Engineering Solutions Ltd for the construction and installation of a 305 Cubic meter water tank and stand. The works commenced and progressed. However on 11th April 2022 the tank collapsed during the test pump before the project could be handed over,” the letter reads in part


He added that, “the Inspectorate of Government picked interest in the matter and started its own investigations. Among their preliminary findings was that the original contract document was NOT signed by Karf Aqua Engineering Solutions Ltd. To the contrary it is alleged that it was signed by you - Mr. Areeba Hudson.”


He also added in his letter that the allegations were brought to his attention when he last visited IGG over the same matter.


“This is a very serious offence if proven to be true. As the Head of Procurement Section you are not only the custodian of the Procurement law who must ensure that all contract documents are properly managed but also to act with utmost good faith,” the letter further reads


“In view of the above, this is to require you to explain under what circumstances you could have signed the contract document on behalf of Karf Aqua Engineering Solutions Ltd. If you indeed signed, to show cause why disciplinary action should not be taken against you for gross indiscipline. Your explanation should reach this office within 14 days' time and in any case not later than 4th September 2023,” he concluded.


By press time, efforts to reach out for a comment from Mr. Areeba Hudson wasn't fruitful. 

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