Serere MPs embark on sports activities to promote government programs

Posted on Sep 30, 2023
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu 


SERERE - Legislatures in Serere district are currently using sports activities as a way of bringing the communities together for the promotion and implementation of government programs.


While speaking to this website during the "Amagalit" promotion program geared by voice of Serere radio that attracted hundreds of people from kyere sub- county, the proprietor of the radio, hon. Emmanuel Omoding the Serere county MP, they partnered with the radio to reach out to different sub counties and have introduced different sports activities like football and bicycle races and have realized a positive out come as they have been able to preach about different programs and get feed back from the public about the ongoing services offered to them. 


He further added government is focused on elevating all households through different programs and as leaders, they have to ensure that the right people to benefit. 


" The government recently introduced the PDM, we need to ensure that our people benefit, we have talked to them about it and believe that all is going well, the community is also able to give us feed back where they find a gap", he added.


Mean while hon. Hellen Adoa the state minister for fisheries who also doubles as the woman MP for Serere district said that the activities have made it easy for them to have time with the people, educate them and in return get feedback.


She further implored the people to brace the current PDM program as it will help kick out house hold poverty if the money is used well.


It should also be noted that the minister has for a while been using community barazas as an alternative of reaching out to the people directly with different public services to pass out information on different development programs.


During the course of the day, the MPs awarded the best performers who took part in different activities as the crowds cheered. 

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