Minister Adoa warns banks against soliciting money from the community over PDM

Posted on Oct 01, 2023
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu 


SERERE - Following the ongoing disbursement of the parish development model (PDM) funds to the different beneficiaries, the state minister for fisheries, Hellen Adoa who also doubles as the woman MP for Serere district has expressed her dissatisfaction with some financial institutions that are soliciting money from the locals.


The minister raised this after getting various feed back from her constituents while carrying out her over sight role.


" It's the first time government has injected alot of money in the parishes for the people to use but some banks are still getting money from people, am not sure why they charge about 20-50,000 ugx for opening accounts, it's broad day light robbery", she said.


She also added that it was agreed from Parliament that government comes up with an MOU with banks to have accounts opened up freely but not charging beneficiaries.


"I have commanded one bank to return the money collected to the owners as people have many expenses and I will stop some of them in Serere from carrying out services of giving out PDM funds as 1m ugx is alot that's going to be paid back with interest",


She also explained that some banks once charged 10,000 ugx for opening accounts then later told the beneficiaries to pay another 20,000 ugx for new accounts as the first ones were reported to have gotten lost.


" Some are even charging for affidavits for anyone using a thumb print and they each pays 20,000 ugx to the lawyer", 


The minister vowed to stop two banks that she kept annoymous from offering services. 




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