Wolves kill Over 50 PDM goats and sheep in Katakwi District

Posted on Nov 02, 2023
By Admin

By Richard Onapatum


The beneficiaries of the Parish Development Model (PDM) in the villages of Getom Sub-county, Katakwi district are in tears after wolves invaded their homes and killed 24 goats and 35 sheep in various households.


The most affected villages that have been terrorized for three months now include Moru B village, Akide Village, Getom Village, Paliakol Village, Africa Village with residents living in fear for both their lives and the animals.


The Parish Development Model (PDM) is a government-led initiative aimed at transforming subsistence households into the money economy improving service delivery and alleviating poverty at the grassroots level in Uganda.


Josephine Akoluot of Akide village who has lost three PDM sheep says the wolf which closely looks like a dog has terrorized homes in the parishes of Aboiboi and Abela killing the animals and then sucking blood leaving the meat.


 “We do not know where the wolves live, it has terrorized us for three months now, you will be shocked to wake to find your sheep and goat are dead, when you check the footmarks they resemble a dog,” said Akoluot.


Akoluot confirmed that she is not alone many are affected, In a home behind Moru b 7 sheep were killed, Asio 8 sheep and 7 goats in Aboiboi parish.


The lc1 chairman Moru B village Abela, George Arwaitum who named a few of the households in his village that had been attacked by the wolves said his office has been stuck with cases of false allegation where some people's dogs were accused of preying on the sheep.


“When a dog is found eating the dead meat, the owner of the sheep in the morning in most cases accuses the owners of the dogs, which is false” he said


Arwaitum adds that the wolf sucks the blood and eats the heart and kidneys naming Ikilai Betty who lost 7 goats, Aanyu 2sheep and Apolot Grace 7sheep.


Another PDM Beneficiary Asege Winnie who lost 7 goats in Africa village, Abela Parish said 4 goats were bought using PDM money.


“I noticed it was a wolf after checking the footsteps, they looked like the dog, and the lifeless goats lacked any blood the wolf sucked it all” she said

Ojur Richard said 10 sheep had been killed in Ajesai village.


“six of my goats I bought using PDM money have been killed by the wolf, it eats the heart, intestines and kidneys” said Ojur


Ojur adds that in the neighbouring village Getom 5 sheep were killed among the two were bought using PDM money.


Katakwi District Local Government in June 2023, disbursed PDM funds to beneficiaries in 109 parishes across 20 sub-counties.


In a function presided over by the VP at the district headquarters in Ngariam subcounty,  on June 23, 2023, over 120 million shillings were disbursed.


What the community says

The Parish Development Model represents a significant effort by the Ugandan government to improve service delivery and reduce poverty at the grassroots level.


Its success is dependent on the commitment of all stakeholders to work together towards achieving its objectives.


With proper implementation and adequate resources, the PDM has the potential to transform the lives of millions of Ugandans and create sustainable development in the country.


With most of the animals killed being for PDM, the affected residents in the villages have asked the government to task Uganda WildLife Authority to be accountable for the losses.


Akoluot Josephine who says her project was for sheep has registered a loss before she enjoys the fruit.


“let the government arrest this animal and kill it.” appeals Akoluot


Akiteng Betty from Abela Parish who also lost 2 PDM sheep says how will she pay for what she did not benefit from.


“These are government animals why can't Wildlife Authority pay for the damages caused by their animals,” stressed Akiteng


Asege Winnie who lost 7 goats in Africa village, Abela Parish with 4 goats belonging to PDM has asked for compensation from the Government.


“I request the government to be lenient to us and find a befitting way to pay this loan, we did not kill our animals, it’s a natural disaster,” said Asege



What the Leaders say


The LC1 chairman Moru B village Abela, George Arwaitum says all the goats and sheep killed in his village were bought using PDM money.


Arwaitum has appealed to the government to task the Uganda Wildlife Authority(UWA) to pay damages caused by their wild animals since most of the sheep and goats were bought using PDM money.


“Let the government engage Uganda Wildlife Authority, these are their animals, and we are too poor to pay what we did not benefit from” said Arwaitum


The lc3 Getom Sub County David Eilor confirmed the presence of wolves in his Subcounty. He said most of the animals killed were bought using PDM funds


“The wolf eats mostly sheep, I tried talking to UWA but they also asked me where the animal lives which I can't locate, I appeal to the government to help those whose animals were bought using PDM funds to be compensated.” Said Eilor


The lcv District councillor Getom, Papa Pastor Gimmy Okello in an interview also confirmed to this website that in most villages, the sheep and goats killed were those bought using PDM money.


“I appeal to UWA to come for their animals, this animal has given us a loss, it has disturbed us with lots of damage, it eats intestines leaving the meat,” he said.


Pastor Okello As a leader said he is in sorrow, Last week Onyait Francis lost 4 goats and it continues, he requests the government to intervene and see how they can rescue the people in Getom.



The PDM is an integrated approach that involves mobilization of communities, and empowering them to take charge of their own development by working together to identify and prioritize their needs.


The PDM was anchored on the concept of the parish as the smallest unit of government administration and service delivery in Uganda.


Each parish develops a Parish Development Plan (PDP) that outlines the key development priorities and strategies for achieving them.


The PDP is developed through a consultative process involving all stakeholders in the parish, including local government officials, community leaders, and members of the community.


The PDM provides a holistic approach to development that addresses the social, economic, and environmental aspects of poverty in Uganda. It seeks to improve access to basic services such as health, education, water, and sanitation, also promoting economic opportunities and environmental sustainability.


The President launched the PDM programme in February 2022.


It is a government multi-sectoral strategy to reduce poverty, by moving 39% of households (that is, 3.5 million households or 16.1 million Ugandans) under the subsistence economy (living hand-to-mouth), into the money economy.


Sheep killed by the wolves


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