Bebe Cool forgives people arrested for pelting him with bottles

Posted on Mar 11, 2020
By Admin

Jinja Road police yesterday released 11 people who were arrested for allegedly pelting Bebe Cool with plastic bottles during his performance at Cindy's Boom party concerned.


This group was released after Bebe Cool's visit to the police station where he warned people to stop pelting any musician with bottles or else they will be taught lesson.


Bebe Cool added that he was approached by wives and relatives of suspects who pleaded for their release which he adhered to.


"I forgave the culprits because some of these relatives were mothers,wives with babies and the fact that they are young men being ignorantly used.
But i asked them to have relative conversations with the arrested culprits about refraining from such acts that would harm innocent Ugandans, them selves and their families." Said Bebe Cool


Apart from Bebe Cool, Other Pro-NRM singers like Catherine Kusasira, Big Eye and Full Figure have also been victims of being pelted with bottles during different events.


Bebe Cool talking to the suspects

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