RDC Katakwi district applauded for great efforts in promoting patriotism

Posted on Jul 09, 2023
By Admin

KATAKWI - The Resident District Commissioner of katakwi district, Rtrd maj. Godfrey Even Katamba has been praised for promoting patriotism in the constituency.


During the commissioning of 1200 patriots from eighteen different secondary schools in the district Bomas grounds on Friday afternoon, the vice president Alupo was the chief guest congratulated the RDC for his efforts towards organising such events.


In her remarks, the Alupo explained that, it was the second time the district was commissioning such a big number of patriots within the range of just two years.


Meanwhile, Stephen Aepei, the katakwi District patriotism coordinator, said that, the RDC put all his efforts to see the day colorful.


"Even without cents, our RDC looked for ways to mobilize all schools, civil servants, politicians, businesses community among others to participate in the two weeks patriotism training which took place in different parts of the district",


Aepei added that, with efforts from the RDC, they had a chance to learn different patriotism lessons, including the range challenge that they practiced at Olilim training school for self-defense. 


Katamba the RDC while giving his speech explained that patriotism club was launched by the president of Uganda in 2009 with the aim of mind set change and creating love for the country and her leadership. 


He therefore congratulated the patriots for their efforts to endure and complete the training. 


Maj. Sam Emoit, who was representing Brig. Patrick Mesigye, the commissioner patriotism in the office of the president challenged the communities in Teso to embrace education since its the only way we can offer children a better future.

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