AMURIA: UPDF Officer's Wife Steals 8 Days Old Baby, Arrested

Posted on Jul 11, 2023
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu 


A wife belonging to a UPDF soldier has been arrested for stealing an eight days old baby boy from Amuria general hospital in Amuria district.


The suspect arrested was identified as Akello Jesca a wife of Aisu Isaac a UPDF soldier who confessed to having stolen the baby since she didn't have any children of her own.


Akello was arrested on Monday,10/07/2023 at around 02:00PM in Rogom village, Amero parish, Acowa sub-county in Kapelebyong district after police swung into furtherance of the investigative process where a crime was registered vide Amuria CRB 216/2023 thus prompting an extensive search for the stolen baby that commenced in earnest and the said baby was recovered.


According to the PRO of East Kyoga,SP Ageca Oscar Gregg, in a press statement issued today,

the boy's mother only identified as Alebo Esther who was admitted at the health facility after under going ceaserian section lost her new born on Friday,07/07/2023 at 06:00PM as the nurse at the hospital was administering treatment to newly born babies when the baby in question was crying since the attendant to the mother identified as Asujo Jennifer was not around.


"It was at that moment when an unknown woman pretended to help her carry the child and take to the attendant who was at the hospital kitchen far from the maternity ward",


Ageca also added that,"After completing her rounds, the nurse couldn't trace the child and neither could the attendant thus prompting them to report a case of child theft where case file vide Amuria SD 45/07/07/2023 was opened up at Amuria CPS at 11:00PM",


He further advised childless couples who want to be legal parents of children to consider adopting as adoption is made legal after completion of the pre-adoptive fostering period as required by the Ugandan Law thus making one the legal parent of the child, without breaking any law.




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