Emma D'Great Joins Kyoga Veritas Radio

Posted on Feb 26, 2020
By Admin

Teso's youngest radio presenter Okia Emmanuel a.k.a Emma D'Great  has joined Kyoga Veritas radio after quiting Delta FM.


The pencil thin presenter revealed to this website yesterday and pledged to support Teso talents in his new program


Emma will be hosting KVR Riser (6-10 am) from Monday to Friday and African Night on Sunday (9pm-Midnight)



"I want thank my colleagues of Delta, working with you has been most wonderful. I'm glad that I'm now in a new media house and to me this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already written and sold; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one! I pledge to promote local talents in teso."



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