#Peter Pex Paak News


Hundreds Mourn the Tragic Loss of Apio Joan Faith in Soroti

By Our Reporter    SOROTI - Soroti City was engulfed in sorrow today as hundreds of mourners from across the Teso sub-region gathered at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church for the r


Teso's Disabled Community Gets Wheelchairs and Heifers From Action Of Love International

By Nathan Eyagu    SOROTI - In a groundbreaking initiative, Action of Love International, a non-profit organization, has reached out to individuals with disabilities in the Teso sub-re


Jena herbals uganda to set up internationally recognized factory in Soroti City

By Nathan Eyagu    Uganda's leading herbal medicine producers Jena Herbals Limited have set the pace for the construction of a mighty factory of herbal products that will be intern


Police deploy heavily in Soroti City ahead of planned opposition protest against belated women's day celebrations

By Nathan Eyagu    SOROTI - Police in east Kyoga territory have deployed heavily early this morning in Soroti city a head of a planned demonstration led by the Soroti city woman MP Aco


Soroti main market vendors protest over power and water shortage

By Nathan Eyagu    SOROTI - After going through a period of more than five days without water and power at the main market, market vendors in Soroti city early this morning protested o


Soroti City to host another belated women's day celebrations

By Nathan Eyagu     SOROTI- Drama is yet again to unfold in Soroti City a head of the belated women's day celebrations organised by the city leadership that are to be celebrated


Security officials block Soroti city belated Women’s Day Celebrations

SOROTI CITY : The Resident City Commissioner Soroti Peter Pex Paak together with his security subordinates have stopped the Soroti City Woman Member of Parliament from carrying out the belated women&#