Teso's Media Force Gathers Momentum in TB and HIV Campaign

Posted on Apr 15, 2024
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu 


SOROTI - On Friday, April 12, 2024, journalists in Teso Sub Region underwent intensive training focused on the critical issue of Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV co-infections. Organized by the Health Journalists Network Uganda, the training aimed to illuminate the challenges faced by the region in addressing this pressing public health concern.


Uganda ranks among the 30 countries globally burdened with high rates of TB/HIV co-infections. Annually, approximately 90,000 people in Uganda contract TB, with 15% being children under 14 years old and 32% being TB-HIV co-infected. While TB case notifications have surged nationally, Teso confronts a decline in case detection, attributed to missed opportunities, poor health-seeking behaviors, and lack of public awareness.


In the Teso Sub region, a report by the AIDS Information Centre (AIC) indicates that poor health-seeking behavior among men significantly contributes to lower treatment rates compared to women.


Statistics reveal a concerning trend in TB prevalence across demographics. Men are disproportionately affected, accounting for 56% of cases, followed by women at 33%, and children under 5 years old at 11%.


During the training, Mr. Ochieng Gerald, TB Advisor at Aids Information Centre, highlighted the alarming issue of missing data in TB registers within Teso's healthcare facilities. This gap in surveillance and patient characterization hinders effective TB treatment and management.


According to statistics released by Ochieng to journalists, only 61% of symptomatic individuals seek care, with a majority accessing public facilities. However, appropriate TB investigations are provided to a mere 16.3% of cases in these facilities.


With a population of 2.5 million people, Teso boasts sufficient diagnostic capacity, but there remains a crucial need to strengthen the connection between TB and HIV services. Mr. Ochieng emphasized the necessity for HIV testing to be readily available and free of charge in all healthcare facilities to facilitate early detection and treatment. He also called for enhanced capacity building of health workers to manage TB cases effectively and advocated for community engagement and awareness campaigns to dispel misconceptions and encourage timely medical attention.


Mr. Abdallah Ochoggia, Advocacy and Communications Specialist at Aids Information Centre, underscored the socio-economic impact of TB and advocated for the implementation of social protection measures, including the provision of monthly food support to diagnosed individuals.


In light of these challenges, concerted efforts are needed from all stakeholders to combat TB and HIV co-infections effectively. With targeted interventions and a commitment to improving healthcare access and awareness, Teso can strive towards a healthier future for its residents.

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