Emma D Great Quits Kyoga Veritas Radio

Posted on Jan 09, 2022
By Admin

Okia Emmanuel alias Emma D Great has finally thrown in towel at Soroti catholic diocese founded radio, Kyoga Veritas radio(KVR) for greener pastures.


Emma was the host of the popular Ikalia program and also moderated a number of political talk shows.


Before joining KVR, Emma was switched from  Delta Radio.


This website has learned that Emma will be taking up his new responsibility at Jena Herbals where he will be working as the Public Relations Officer.



Today, I write very hurtfully to announce my exit from Kyoga Veritas radio.
I would like to thank in a special way colleagues and management for a journey well spent.
I want to thank everyone who supported my journey. To my listeners, fans and FAMILIES thank you.
I want to ask you to continue supporting me in my journey of life.
I will miss you all [?]
God bless you. Papa Apolon Emma D Greate



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