What your MP has done: Pingire county MP tremendous achievements and contributions that you need to know about

Posted on Jul 14, 2023
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu 


From the time he set foot in Parliament as the member of Parliament of Pingire county in the 11th Parliament,swore with a Bible to represent his voters, little was known about his move and what he would do but with in a short time, Fred Opolot of the NRM party who sits in the committee of foreign affairs has been able to perform tremendously and thus contributed for his constituents.


Although the roles of an MP include,Legislation,Representation,Budget approval and Oversight, he has been able to stand in the floor of Parliament to debate, raise pertinent issues and has thus offered services far beyond that for his voters.


Below are the achievements and contributions that the MP has successfully offered for his people;




It should be left in record that , the MP purchased a Grade B Mercedes Ambulance to respond to medical emergencies and quick evacuation of patients to medical facilities using part of his salary following numerous calls from the residents across the county in need of evacuating their loved ones to hospital within the district or to Soroti.


The people as far as other counties in Serere district and different districts in teso have since benefited from a free eye health Camp that Fred Opolot organized which saw 2316 screened, 1433 medicated, 1090 issued Eye glasses, 396 cataract surgeries performed who managed to reach Serere Heath Center IV.


Sine health is the greatest of all, the MP together with District Councillors, coordinated efforts to have Pingire Subcounty degazzette, portion and eventually title land for Pingire Health Center III to pave way for its upgrade to Health Center IV.


During the period when the deadly covid 19 virus was killing most people, the MP equipped Village Health Unit teams with Personal Protective Gears at the height of pandemic as their worked with MOH to respond to various cases.


Agriculture and climate change


The back born of Teso's development is through agriculture and this has since employed many people but with a few concerns of climate change due to people's activities, the agricultural produce has since detoriated,the MP through his intervention distributed Maize seeds to various farmer groups at the start of planting season on annual basis amove that has greatly assisted most farmers.


In order to combat climate change, he also distributed tree seedlings to 3 subcounties of Pingire County that were planted on large scale.




A number of educational centres are currently staggering with performance,few schools in the county that have hindered some from acquiring education because of the distance and inability for the needy to continue or be at school because of limited funding and inability of others to continue with school after getting P7 and S4 certificates or even failed to be in school,the MP introduced a number of interventions like; 


Introducing and continuously finances Pass Primary Leaving Examination program for all the 21 registered primary schools in Pingire County. 

Purchase of school land for the Establishment of Agonyo community Primary school. 


Introduction of University Scholarship program to needy students in the Constituency where atleast 12 students have benefit in the past two years alone.


He also launched the Best Performing Students appreciation program which recognizes and gifts students who excel in academics and are registered to schools domiciled in Pingire County.


Supported development of skilling programs at Kidetok Mission Vocational School which has since equipped many with technical knowledge and has greatly made them open their own businesses thus improving on their livelihoods.


With water being a major need for every school going child and having it close, he also repaired a borehole in Labor high school.


He Strongly supported Sports development in the Constituency throughout distribution of sports assortments to various sports teams participating in football, boxing, netball, handball, volley ball. A football tournament was held in 2021 while Secondary schools ie St. Elizabeth girls school, Pingire SS and Labor High School received sports equipment in 2022.


Contributed ugx. 500,000 to empty latrines in Labor Primary school on his personal level.

He also donated Aswii Primary school with 20 iron sheets to help provide shelter in buildings that don't have.


Contributed to the Fencing of Pingire S. S by purchasing 15 rolls of chain-link thus preventing intruders from accessing the compound and preventing theft and vandalism of school property.


Sponsored 15 youths for agricultural skilling program in Gulu Mordern Agriculture College where they learnt skills in poultry, sheep and Goat rearing, Apiculture and value addition. 


Distributed Sanitary pads to 3 secondary schools in the Constituency to promote sexual-reproductive health among school going girls and have them smoothly be at school without any concerns.




The MP has always kept a closed relationship with the different religions sects and has greatly supported them extensively,the include,

Donating 10 bags of cement to Mulondo Mosque.


Financially supporting the Moslem Community in Pingire County in their Eid celebrations 

Donated 20 Iron-sheets to St. Peters Catholic Church oluwa to help christians roof the house of God.


Contributed one million to launch the Good shepherds savings group in Opunio catholic Mission that will ensure and see through the christians improve on their livelihoods.


Supported Choir Competitions at Opunoi Catholic mission with 1.2 million.


 Financed church related activities, fundraised and Supported Construction of various churches in the Constituency through purchase of Construction materials including Bags of cement, Iron-sheets, sand, aggregate etc.

as notable beneficiaries include Aarapo C. O. U, Aarapo P. A. G, Opunoi Catholic Church, Kidetok Catholic Mission, Akoroi Church, Labor Catholic Church, Kidetok P. A. G, St. James C.O.U.


Inaugurated and financed the Catholic Choir Competition which was intiated in Opunoi Catholic Mission.


Trade, commerce and infrastructure 


To ensure the smooth running of business activities, the availability of power is essential, infrastructure and good working conditions with different tools to ensure good working safety, the representative in Parliament has also left a number of achievements like;


Funded and coordinated efforts for the recovery, and reinstallation of both the electric transformer and meter box to power agro processing facility earlier established by CAIIP 2 for Kidetok community.


The MP also cleared accrued Umeme Bill mounting to Ugx. 4,000,000 and also rehabilitated the facility's dilapidated and abandon structure thus keeping the residents powered as the do their businesses.


Distributed reflector vests to members of the boda boda community and also financed construction of Aarapoo boda boda stage. 


Lobbied for the rehabilitation of Serere-Pingire-Mugarama road which currently is being worked on. 


Donated 1.2 million for timber to roof Mulondo fishing store and office to ensure the smooth running of business.


Financially supported 8 saving groups to start sheep rearing projects. 


Distributed 8 Sewing machines ( 3 electric and 5 manual), distributed to two groups ie Okidi Tailoring training Center and Ojera Women Catholic Association, Kidetok who were also trained in financial management.




Fred Opolot at individual level has offered different services to his votes like;


Purchase of Plastic Chairs and Tents for use in various gatherings within the Constituency.


Directly coordinated and facilitated abled constituents to participate in the UPDF and Ugand Wildlife Authority National recruitment drive thus leaving many employed.

Provided Uniform Attire to Labor Ajosi group.


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