Teso's singer Princely flys wings after his MK song gets rated as the best

Posted on Aug 07, 2023
By Admin

By Nathan Eyagu 


Teso's singer and song writer Princely of Ispus media is currently on cloud 9 after becoming the first artiste whose song was chosen as the best for the MK project in the region and thus recognized as an anthem and is currently being played during most MK football games around teso sub region.


With many songs being sung by different regions,different MK movement cohorts have rated Princelys' song as the best MK song of all songs so far.


It must be noted that its the first time the RNB darling went off his RNB style to do techno muzik which has eventually turned out to book his name on some of the country's biggest stages as supporter of the Gen.moves to popularize his bid for the 2026 Presidential aspirations.


The singer will perform his song live on stage during the visit of the general who is expected to visit Teso subregion on 14th and 15th this month.


According to Ispus Media the brains behind Princelys' latest rise in music, the project is part of their "princely to the world" campaign, a pioneer move that their management is set to weigh their star into national outlook.

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